30 Science Experiments For Kids

Young children are natural scientists. As they grow older, they become more curious about the world, often asking endless questions from their parents and teachers. Science activities can help children answer these questions and set the pace for life-long learning.

The ebook – 30 Simple Science Activities For Young Children teaches young children about science using fun, hands-on experiments and projects with materials that can easily be gotten at home.

The activities provide children with the opportunity to use all of their senses as they learn to hypothesize, experiment and record their findings. The activities included covers life sciences, earth sciences and physical sciences.

As a parent, you do not need to be a scientist to explore science with your child. All you need is the willingness to learn and explore with your child.

In this book, you will learn about practical ways of teaching science, follow step-by-step instructions and understand the science behind each experiments. 

Included in this ebook is a 4 hours video course with brief video explanation and demonstration of each of the 30 experiments to give you the extra push and knowledge you need to carry out the activities with your child.

Whether you’ve always been interested in STEM OR you’re looking to expand your scientific knowledge from chemistry to physics to outer space, your child is sure to have a blast learning science with these fun experiments!